9th Annual General Meeting (New Committee Members 2019-2020)

April 23, 2019 kita-admin Uncategorized

“Both 2017 and 2018 were challenging years for us as our various initiatives were not able to proceed due to legal technicalities faced by Sabah Wildlife Department and with the uncertainties which proceeded after the change in government Alexander Yee, the newly elected president of Kinabatangan-Corridor of Life Tourism Operator Association (KiTA) said in his opening remarks. The members have just gathered to elect a team of Executive Members for the 2019-2020 year during the just ended 9th Annual General meeting in their Sandakan office yesterday.
“The members have however, managed to keep our heads high and continue to fulfil our objectives of this Association. added Yee.
Notable events done by the KiTA during 2018 included the signing of a MOU with UMS to continue to conduct visitors experience survey when these visitors were at the Lower Kinabatangan area, conducted a refresher First Aid training course and installed 3 units of AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) machines within member lodges and continued to work with the community of Sungai Lokan through KiTAs Tabung Ehsan program.
Looking ahead, the Association will be focusing to establish a good working relationship with the various government agencies and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment as well as to create a brand name for itself in 2019.
During the month of April, Mr Alexander Yee will be planning to lead the executive members to make courtesy visits to the Sabah Wildlife Department, the Municipal Council of Sabah, District Office in Kota Kinabatangan, the Sabah Forestry Department and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Tourism.
The executive members for the term of 2019-2020 are:
Presiden : Mr Alexander Yee
Immediate Past President : Mr Jason Tan
Vice President : Mr Johnny Lim
Treasure : Madam Amy Chin
Secretary : Mr Ouh Kiao Cheng
Committee Member : Madam Sulinah Tan
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